Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Come from a Land Down Under

I don't know what I love more. The thought that people in Australia can be just as trashy with furniture on the lawn as Americans, or that this picture, taken in March, has Christmas decorations in it.

Spotted in Western Australia by Laura. Thanks!

An Alarming Trend

I don't understand why so many people are in a hurry to get rid of their bathtubs around here, especially when so few of us have them.

Desperate Times

The only way to get a seat on the bus.

Beautiful River Stroll

Nadia and I went for a walk along the picturesque Pohang river. The views are breath taking. I am pretty certain there's a dead bodies hidden in the fridges. That's what the smell would suggest anyway.

Wardrobes, Cupboards, and Storage, Oh my!

If only I could lift 2 tons of wardrobe, I'd like to have one. Although I secretly believe that every single one I pass probably houses a city of rats.

Chairs Chairs Chairs

Do you like chairs with fewer than four legs? Do you fancy yourself a risk taker, courting hepatitis every time you sit? Then look no further than any street corner! We've got legless chairs, dirty chairs, possibly std infected chairs. All yours for the low, low price of your dignity, and possibly a waffle ass print if you sit on the wicker chairs.

Spotted in Pohang, Gyeongju, and Alameda.
Thanks Nadia and Alison for your help!